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CoderDojo Fresno@Ideaworks is a place where young people aged 7-17 can learn to write code in an environment that is
Join us on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month from 1 – 3 pm in the “Circuit Circus” at Fresno Ideaworks to learn coding skills, to learn about different kinds of computers, and to try out new problem-solving strategies! Hang out with other kids who share your interests and do something awesome!
**This is not a drop-off event. Parents or other designated adults must stay on the premises and are highly encouraged to learn alongside the kids.
There is no cost to participate in CoderDojo.
Both sessions are full, so please add to the waitlist if interested and we will let you know when there is an opening.
Fresno Ideaworks
1730 H Street
Fresno, CA, 93721
Fresno Ideaworks is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.