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Our Community

What sets Ideaworks apart from all others is its uniquely diverse and collaborative community. This is a place where people of all ages, all backgrounds, all differing interests, all kinds of expertise come together to explore together, work together, and share information together. We have many ways to connect both in person and within our online community. Join our community and start exploring the infinite possibilities of making… 



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Community Collaborations

As a public benefit organization, Ideaworks is an engine of change in the Central Valley inspiring innovation, education, and community building. From collaborations within our community of makers to the partnerships with our greater local community, we believe that “together we are better.” 

Check out some of our community collaborations and projects here:

Community Collaborations


Member Forums

Are you looking for collaborators on a project? Looking for an expert in their makery field? Perhaps you would like to explore a makery topic? Have some questions about starting a hobby? Maybe you're wanting to explore some business ideas. You can talk shop here! As an Ideaworks community member, you can start a conversation with fellow makers on the Member Forums (must be logged in to view).


Fresno Ideaworks

1730 H Street

Fresno, CA, 93721



Fresno Ideaworks is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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