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Hello Makers! Your June Maker Prompt is ...

"Board Game Piece!"

We've made Lucky Charms, Rage inspired art, and created homage to our Good Dogs. Now we're challenging you to make something that is or is inspired by a board game piece.

"Rage" by Jeramy A., Seth B. and Kirsten M. Seth's 3D print explosion won the "favorite" vote!

Hearken back to your childhood, or to a favorite weekend with friends, or perhaps to an event in your life that played out like a board game, and make something that responds to the prompt. Show us your skills and your creativity! We'll share our work at the June 12th "Meet Your Makers" meeting and open house. We'll bring the pizza. You bring the community!


As we groove forward with our other projects, our Rally For the Rooftop fundraiser has hit a bump, but we're sending heartfelt thanks to everyone who's already shown support. With your help and the hard work of some amazing member-volunteers, we've tackled cleanup and prep work for the big task ahead. We want to assure you that every dollar raised for the roof goes directly to that cause. And any donations without a specific designation? They're crucial for keeping our operations running smoothly: maintaining tools and machinery, stocking up on cleaning supplies, taking care of our space, and covering utilities. We're immensely grateful for your support as we strive to make our space even better for everyone.

Click here to learn more and donate: Rally For the Rooftop!

Fresno Ideaworks is a creative place to be; an opportunity for fellowship; and a source of inspiration. When you take a class or join a creative space you are nurturing every stage of your own creative growth, from exploring new ideas to producing something wonderful with your own hands. Please take some time to learn more about Fresno Ideaworks here on our website and be inspired to Learn, Create, and Share with us!

Questions? Call us at 559-840-8749 or email

Donate to support Fresno Ideaworks!

Our Mission and Vision

Ideaworks is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, public benefit organization. 

The purpose of this corporation is to promote and encourage technical, scientific, and artistic skills through individual projects, social collaboration,and education”.  Fresno Ideaworks is a volunteer-operated, member-driven community workshop with the vision of being the inspiration hub for creative people of the Central Valley. Our makerspace facilitates skill development and innovation through hands-on teaching, collaboration, and educational resources, empowering our community with practical, artistic, and entrepreneurial skills. We are the first and most comprehensive non-profit, collaborative makerspace in the Central Valley. We are committed to maintaining and improving our facility in the Cultural Arts District of downtown Fresno, where folks from all Fresno neighborhoods can find us and participate in their own personal creative growth, and in the growth of the maker movement in Fresno.

Our Makerspace

Fresno's Maker community makes it's home at 1730 H Street in downtown Fresno, California, in the historic "Crown Plunge" building. Built in 1928 by Clyde and Lloyd Jackson and managed by Reg Dauner, the Crown Plunge was the longest-operating swimming pool in Fresno when it closed in 1847. After removing the tank and installing their printing and engraving business, the Crown Plunge building remained in the Jackson family until 2018, when Fresno Ideaworks agreed to purchase it and create a permanent home for Fresno Ideaworks. Since then we have worked diligently to maintain our comprehensive woodshop, "weldatorium", machine shop, tech classroom & hackerspace, ceramics studio, textiles & fiber arts studio, modern fabrications lab. The recent addition of a lampwork glass art station is only the first step toward creating new hand-craft and fine arts opportunities to round out our established industrial arts programs.


Ideaworks offers many opportunities to develop artistic and technical skills. What sets our community workshop apart is the accessibility to the collaborative knowledge of the diversity within our inclusive makerspace.


Ideaworks' comprehensive array of tools and equipment enables makers to bring their ideas into reality. Our community workshop empowers individuals by providing skills and inspiration. At Ideaworks creativity is not a competition.


Ideaworks is the hub of our community of makers, innovators, and entrepreneurs. We love sharing ideas, projects, passions, and our craft.  Join us and get inspired to MAKE!


Fresno Ideaworks

1730 H Street

Fresno, CA, 93721



Fresno Ideaworks is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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